
Fachabeit: Fusionsreaktoren und ihre Funktionsweise (PDF): herunterscrollen

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Isotope vom Wasserstoff (Wikipedia)

Iter Website, 3D-Modelle

Physik Simulation, Partikel in Magnetischen Feldern

Bourzac, Kather: Fusion start-ups hope to revolutionize energy in the coming decades, 06.08.2018.
https://cen.acs.org/energy/nuclear-power/Fusion-startups-hope-revolutionize/96/i32, 22.02.2020.

Clark, Stephen: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX, 04.04.2017.
https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/04/04/musk-previews-busy-year-ahead-forspacex, 09.02.2020.

ITER: ITER Homepage, o.J.
xhttps://www.iter.org/, 22.02.2020.

NASA: The Solar Interior, o.J..
https://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/interior.shtml, 05.01.2020.26.

Schmitt, Harrison H.: Mining the Moon, 08.2004, (14.01.2005).
http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2004/schmitt/, 09.02.2020.

Sharp, Tim: How Hot Is the Sun?, 19.08.2017,
https://www.space.com/17137-how-hot-is-the-sun.html, 05.01.2020.

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